
Student Account

The first time you register for courses at St. Thomas, an open-end credit account automatically is established for you. We call this your student account.

All student-related financial transactions administered by the Business Office are charged to your student account, such as your tuition, fees, expenditures related to St. Thomas housing, meal plans, parking, health and counseling services, insurance, music lessons, library fines, short-term student loans, and Tommie eXpress Card funding.

All personal payments, financial aid, and other payments made by you or on your behalf to pay these charges are credited to your student account.

In order to activate your student account and enable charges to be made to the account, you must sign a Student Payment Agreement and Disclosure Statement at the time of registration. You also must choose a Payment Plan that will apply if you do not pay your tuition, fees and other charges in a single lump sum by the first due date after they have been billed. (Find more information about Payment Plans.)

Visit Murphy Online to view your bill and account information, make a payment and find tax forms.


eBilling for further details.

Timely Payment Required

Students are responsible for timely paying all amounts due to St. Thomas, including tuition, fees, and other charges to your student account, in accordance with the Student Payment Agreement and Disclosure Statement, the applicable Payment Plan, the Tuition Refund Policies and Schedule, and other applicable policies. A FINANCE CHARGE will be assessed on any portion of your account balance that remains unpaid after the monthly payment due date, as further detailed in the Student Payment Agreement and Disclosure Statement.

Past Due Accounts

Failure to timely pay amounts due to St. Thomas in accordance with the applicable Payment Plan will result in your account becoming past due. If your account is past due, you will not be permitted to enroll in subsequent academic terms, and St. Thomas may issue a registration hold that prevents you from registering for courses at St. Thomas. In addition, St. Thomas may take other steps to collect the balance due until it is paid in full, including accessing your credit report, turning over your account to a collection agency, and taking legal action to collect the balance due. In general, St. Thomas will initiate these other steps when a past due account has an outstanding balance of $1,000 or more. However, St. Thomas may initiate these steps regardless of the outstanding balance in the past due account.

Individuals with past due accounts may be held responsible for collection costs, attorney fees and court costs, as described in the Student Payment Agreement and Disclosure Statement.

Granting Student Account Access to Others

If someone is assisting you with the financial aspects of your St Thomas education, you may wish to authorize that person to access your student account. There are two different types of access that can be granted; access to Murphy Online is known as Proxy access, while access to the eBill/ePay system is called Authorized User access. See eBilling for more information.

Consistent with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), St. Thomas cannot share your financial information or give access to your student account to others without your authorization.

Returned Payment Policy

Returned payments, including returned/dishonored checks and other payments returned for non-sufficiency of funds, are taken seriously at St. Thomas. If a payment is made on your account and is returned:

  • A $30.00 charge will be added to the student account for each returned payment.
  • The returned payment(s) and related fee(s) will be charged to your student account.

For more information regarding returned payments, see Minnesota Statutes Sections and .

Student Forms and Agreements

Student Payment Agreement and Disclosure Statement

This is a legal agreement that all students must sign in order to establish a student account with the Business Office. Having a student account is necessary to register for courses at St. Thomas.

Title IV Federal Financial Aid Student Authorization Form

This form authorizes the use of Title IV federal financial aid to pay non-tuition miscellaneous charges.

Authorization for automatic debit from checking account (ACH)

This form authorizes St. Thomas to debit specified amounts each month from a bank account you designate for a designated period of time to pay outstanding balances on your student account.

Authorization for keeping credit balance on account

This form to authorizes St. Thomas to hold any credit balance in your student account for use toward future charges, in lieu of issuing a refund.

UST W-9S (Sub Form)

Use this form to submit a social security number or tax identification number, or to declare your reason for not providing the number as requested.

Third Party Billing Student Information Release Authorization

Use this form to allow St. Thomas to release information to a third party who will be paying for all or a portion of a student's charges at St. Thomas (such as an employer, diocese, military agency, outside scholarship provider, etc.).