
Directed Study

Date Implemented: February 24, 2009

Independent Study is a course of study for the credit requested by the student to be taught under the direction of a faculty member for study in an area not addressed by current course offerings. An Independent Study must be approved by the appropriate department chair and/or dean.

Directed Study refers to a regular course offered to an individual student or small group of students (usually fewer than 10) under the direction of a faculty member as approved by the appropriate department chair and/or dean. A Directed Study may be offered if the course is not available during a particular term because of schedule constraints or low enrollment, etc. but which follows an approved syllabus.

Important Note: In the absence of a more stringent policy at the school or college level the University Graduate Academic Policies apply. Should a graduate program not have a specific policy or should there be omissions or gaps in the policy for a specific graduate school program, the University Graduate Policy shall govern.

The Graduate Academic Policies are the responsibility of the Graduate Curriculum Committee Convener. For additions or revisions contact gradcurriculum@stthomas.edu.