
Travel Health Education

Studying abroad will prove to be one of your most exciting and enriching experiences during your college career. To maximize your enjoyment, it pays to do you research regarding any health concerns you might encounter in your host country and to arrange to receive any required immunizations according to the recommended schedule as soon as your plans are finalized.

You may have questions about how to prepare for your international travel and we want you to be as informed as possible. We’ve arranged a collection of information that will help ensure your trip is both a memorable and successful one.

Before you travel, take steps to prepare so you can stay safe and healthy during your trip.

Check CDC’s destination pages to see what vaccines or medicines you may need and what diseases or health risks are a concern at your destination.

Food and Water Precautions

Insect Precautions

Schedule an Appointment

Call (651) 962-6750 for a travel appointment. Travel appointments cannot be scheduled online.

Destination Health Information

Check your destination’s health

Travel Health Education Resources

Before you travel, take steps to prepare so you can stay safe and healthy during your trip.


Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Faculty and Staff