
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Where are you located?
We have Public Safety offices on both the St. Paul and Minneapolis campus. Find Public Safety locations and hours on our Contact page.

Who do I call in an emergency?
On-campus emergencies should be reported to Public Safety at 651-962-5555 (or just 5555 from any campus phone), and 911. Public Safety will meet emergency responders and lead them specific incident locations.

Off-campus incidents should be reported directly to 911.

My property was stolen, what should I do?
Contact Public Safety for assistance with filing a police report. Provide as much information as possible regarding the item(s) stolen: date/time it went missing, make, model, color, purchase value, serial #, etc.

Can I report crime anonymously?
Yes. Call 651-962-TIPS, email PSTIPS@stthomas.edu, or file an online report.

Do I need to have a St. Thomas ID with me while on campus?
All students, faculty and staff are required to have a St. Thomas ID card and must present it upon request of a University official. The name and photo on the card must visible.

What should I do if I lost my ID?
A replacement ID can be obtained at the Card Office in ASC 253 or TMH 110.

If your ID has been lost/stolen, and the Card Office is closed, report the loss to Public Safety so your card can be deactivated.

I received a parking ticket, what should I do?
Instructions for paying a ticket are on the ticket itself. Read more about Parking Tickets and Citations.

Where can I park my bicycle?
Bicycles can be secured to any bike rack on campus or in a secure bike locker on campus. Bikes secured to trees, railings, etc. are subject to immediate removal.

I do not have a permit, where can I park?
Anyone may use paid visitor parking on campus. Learn more about Parking & Transportation Options.

Limited street parking is available. Pay close attention to signs as many residential streets close to campus require St. Paul city parking permits.

How do I get a copy of a public safety report?
Public Safety does not release copies of reports. Students going through the judicial process review reports when they meet with their judicial officer. If you need a report for insurance purposes, you will need to file a report with the police. To obtain a report already filed with the police, please contact the police department that responded to the incident.

How do I get a copy of a police report?
Contact the specific police department:

Minneapolis Police Department Records
350 5th St S., Room 31
Minneapolis, MN 55415

St. Paul Police Department Records
367 Grove Street, 3rd floor
St. Paul, MN 55101

I'm being harassed. What should I do?
If you believe you are being harassed, contact Public Safety to file a report. Public Safety will assist you with filing a police report if necessary. Learn more about Harassment, Restraining Orders, and Orders for Protection.

I don't feel well, but I don't need an ambulance. Where can I go?
All campus medical incidents should be reported to Public Safety.

Students who require medical care, but do not wish or need to be transported by ambulance can be seen at the Center for Well-Being on the St. Paul campus.

Center for Well-Being – St. Paul Campus
35 South Finn Street
Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.

Fairview Highland Park Clinic – Urgent Care
2155 Ford Parkway, St. Paul, MN 55116
Monday–Friday, 6–10 p.m., Saturday 8 a.m.–10 p.m., Sunday 10 a.m.–8 p.m.

United Hospital
333 North Smith Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55102
Regions Hospital
640 Jackson Street, St. Paul, MN 55101

How do I get access to secured areas?
For one-time access, please contact Public Safety at 652-962-5100. To gain ongoing after hours access to secure areas, community members should submit a Request for Service (RFS) to Public Safety for building access authorization.

What should I do if I'm in a car accident on campus?
Contact Public Safety for assistance. Participants in a vehicle accident are required by law to exchange all necessary information with each other at the scene of the accident.

Public Safety will document the incident. If you require a report for insurance purposes, you must file a report with the police. Public Safety does not release reports for insurance purposes.

How do I get confiscated items back?
Students may fill out a Petition for Return of Confiscated Items form. Any items confiscated as a result of a violation will be reviewed with a student by their judicial officer. The judicial officer will decide whether or not to advocate for the item's return. If the judicial officer advocates for return of property, he/she will contact Public Safety with the recommendation. After receiving the judicial officer's recommendation, the final decision regarding return of property shall be made by the Director or Associate Director of Public Safety.

Note: Any property held by Public Safety past 90 days will be disposed of or donated.

Body Worn Camera (BWC) FAQs

What are BWCs?

BWCs are small, portable cameras used by many college public safety departments across the country. BWCs attach to an officer's uniform and can record both audio and video.

Why is Public Safety using BWCs?

Public Safety is committed to the safety of the University community and its officers. Consistent with evolving best practices, Public Safety is initiating BWCs to enhance community and officer safety; promote transparency, accountability, and community trust; and aid in preventing, responding to, and investigating incidents.

Who will be wearing BWCs?

Public Safety Officers will wear BWCs whenever they are on uniform patrol.

When will BWCs be recording?

BWCs will generally always be on when being worn by Public Safety officers on uniform patrol. When the BWC is on it is constantly prerecording two minutes of video. When the officer activates their BWC to start actively recording video and audio it will add the prerecording to the video file. Public Safety Officers will activate a BWC when responding to or investigating incidents. The BWC will typically remain recording throughout the response but may be deactivated for safety or other operational reasons, in accordance with department protocols.

How do I know if a BWC is recording?

The BWC will display a blinking red light when actively recording video and audio. The camera will show a small green light when prerecording two minutes of video. This prerecorded video is not stored unless the camera is activated. Community members are also welcome to ask Public Safety Officers if a BWC is recording.

Are Public Safety Officers trained in the use of BWCs?

Yes, all Public Safety Officers will be required to complete department training on the appropriate use of BWCs before wearing them. The department has also adopted protocols for their proper use, which Public Safety Officers must comply with.

Will BWCs be used in private places, like restrooms?

Public Safety Officers will not activate BWCs in places where there is an expectation of privacy (such as restrooms and locker rooms), unless responding to incidents. This also includes on-campus resident rooms

Whenever possible, in these situations, Public Safety Officers will inform people that a BWC is activated and give them an opportunity to get clothed or covered.

When not responding to incidents the officer can place the camera in safety mode so the camera will not prerecord or record video or audio for privacy.

Is BWC footage publicly available?

No. BWC footage will be treated as a private record and will not be released outside the 含羞草研究所. Thomas Department of Public Safety except as required by law or in accordance with department protocols.

Is the BWC footage shared with staff who facilitate university student conduct processes?

It depends. Not all BWC videos will be shared. However, in some circumstances camera footage may be released to other University offices as part of an investigation or conduct proceeding. The Department of Public Safety has discretion whether to authorize any such request, in accordance with its protocols and/or practices.

Who can I contact with questions or concerns?

Please contact the Director of Public Safety, Zach DuBois, with any questions or concerns you have about St. Thomas Department of Public Safety's BWC program.