
Speakers present at an LLC panel event

Psychology and Neuroscience LLC

Can you be influenced by subliminal messages? Do you really only use 10% of your brain? Is human memory like a digital recording of the events? Is it true that you are either left- or right-brained? You may be surprised to learn that the answer to all these questions is no. Learn how to ask and answer questions like these through experiences with the Psychology and Neuroscience (PAN) LLC.

Through General Psychology, you will explore the breadth of Psychology, focusing on the scientific process and our many ways of knowing. Through psychological research and out of classroom experiences, you will explore how to apply the knowledge found to address everyday problems in support of the common good.

What PAN LLC students said about their experience:

"I have made a lot of really close friends within my LLC, especially since most of us are on the same end of the hall. I really like working on homework with my floor and getting to go to class together."

"I feel the biggest values of my LLC community were definitely empathy and inclusion. A lot of the events were focused on inclusion and making everyone feel included, as well as the girls in my community that were very inclusive as well. I feel empathy is also a major value because everyone in the LLC is so caring and easy to reach out and talk to." 

Hall Location Brady Hall

PSYC 111:  General Psychology OR

NSCI 201: Intro to Neuroscience 


Ann Johnson, a9johnson@stthomas.edu

Sarah Hankerson; sjhank@stthomas.edu

First Year Experience Meets the Learning Community requirement under FYE
Core Area Courses

Social Scientific Analysis

Natural Science

Academic Major/Minor



LLC Capacity This LLC is limited to 48 students

Sample LLC Events

While LLC events vary from year to year, here are some examples of recent LLC events. LLC students are expected to attend at least 4 events or activities over the course of their fall semester to meet their learning community requirement.

  • Let’s Talk About Research Student Panel
  • Spooky Movie Night
  • Psych Club Grad School Panel
  • Research Talk Series by prospective Faculty
  • End of Semester Trip to Can Can Wonderland